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The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025

   Das Weltkulturerbe


The World-Cultural-Heritage

​Ursula Sabisch, Ruebenkoppel 1, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

SAT- Addresses

Worldwide CC


Present Responsible Millionaires, Multimillionaires, Billionaires 

Luebeck, October 9th, 2008

Rough but Fair www.ZDF.de


Dear Domination, Dear Editors and Journalists!

Today (..) is Thursday again, it is the day to be thundering a little bit in public, what is not actual exclusively my task. The TV program “Adventure Knowledge” (Abenteuer Wissen) had sent in the ZDF at 22:15 o’clock yesterday with the topic” Race to the Daily Bread”. By chance just I have seen the TV program now.

For whom do you send this TV program actual as scientifically interested ones? For whom and why ?? ? Hereby I want to make you clear now, that you and people like you will be able to understand for what you earn your money! The content of this TV program was highly valuable; as valuable that hardly one can number the content and the knowledge what is behind the matter! And now it goes up: You feed with your pictures and your comments from the poor and poorest areas of earth a full eaten sick nation that already requires these pictures and also these alarming terror news for a long time! 

The sad truth looks like that and not differently!

You know as scientists and participants of such TV programs, that there are solutions for the connections with chain reactions of your public matters and immediately after finishing one TV program you turn to the next matter, since it is apparently profitable for you, because the TV rating is presumably high enough, at least to fill the evening hours of your spectators in this way!

Also you as TV presenter or visitor, especially from the TV program “Abroad Journal XXL” (auslandsjournal XXL) demonstrated a comprehensive report and complete presentation about topics, which determine life of other people! Then this is at 22:45 p.m. and 3.10 a.m., presumably mainly for people whose cannot fall asleep!! !

You have shared out reporters and journalists to abroad and in the danger zones, for example to Afghanistan, whose risk their life and their health in order to demonstrate these TV programs! Come up to yourselves at last …….and start at last thinking about it, namely how your activity can produce something worthwhile and not as your work only feeds a very sick nation with such pictures and announcements!

You have the solution in your mind but you are not able to make use of it, because the money and the readiness of talking are missing worldwide. The common denominator of the world is also apparently missing, or else you cannot recognize it! In fact final the race of the daily bread belongs onto the table yet, but for those pigged out societies and not always for the poorest ones of the poor only! And know we come to the point of this writing: Please, go directly to the party responsible with your very valuable filming material; please, think of the language translations; go for example to the White House or directly with it to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development or to the billionaires, when you please may hand over this writing, which must be correspondingly linguistic correct translated. (The German writing is in the circulate, too and probably it is better to be translated.) 

Please, place on record about the conversation, should it be proved negatively. Please, take a witness and note the name of you interlocutor, note the place and date of this conversation. Should the tide has turned, what already is in the offing, my person will then immediately have your information checked and will be indicated the direction for the so-called persons responsible concerning the race of the daily bread!

Since there are already available older letters, written by me, which deal with a so-called “World Economy System “ or better World Speculation System, so I possibly will put one thing on the top and will send a further letter to the International World Banks. In the same course one should know that the number of billionaires has duplicated itself and the number of millionaires as well as multimillionaires in accordance has increased, where by 1 billion euro or  dollars are 1000 million euro or maybe dollars! 

In this way it doesn’t work any longer…

The common denominator should one day undertake my above-mentioned task, nevertheless as long as I lead this businesses, however fun will have an end! There, where I will let hitting, there should grow no grass anymore; however you please should immediately take worry about it, that livestock is reduced to a quarter, as in the TV program of the ZDF “Adventure Knowing” (Abenteuer Wissen) has been suggested and established, but the staying rest of livestock must be feed then exclusively by nature feeding, that means, outside in the meadows! 

A compensation payment must be only transferred to small and middle classes companies and farmers; all others are involved automatically in the costs of environmental damages. For sufficient work and places of work has been taken care, also because the production has to become reorganized in the views of a survival-fight. There are writings ready for you, telling you how you should be and must be acted furthermore concerning the feeding of the sick nations by your filming material, what perhaps has been very difficult to understand, but it can be very important and decisive for the ``lavivrus-thgif.``

I do hope, that you still will hear from me.

On behalf of

Ursula Sabisch

HP: That none misunderstandings come into being should everybody, who is able to recognize this chance, be more than only thankful, even if “hunger, because of dividing food and drawing a lesson from the state” is the word!

September 2016

See a  Nature Examples

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Checked on 20th May 2021.